I am an American by birth and I am very grateful and thankful to live in this nation founded upon ideas and concepts drafted from various sources including English Common Law, Natural Law, and the Scriptures. The idea that all men are created equal (even though the founders thought that only meant white males) and that there were certain unalienable rights available to all such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are precious principles that mark this national experiment in a representative democracy. We must continue to work to ensure that all members of our society enjoy the same liberties and freedoms that are granted in our Constitution.
I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God by grace and through faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is my first allegiance above any national citizenship that I may possess. The message of the Good News transcends all national, ethnic, and racial boundaries. My brothers and sisters speak many languages, belong to different denominations, have varied national origins, and live in a variety of political systems. We are part a Body that will last long after the empires of this world are in the dust (including the American empire). When the Church gathers together it is to worship the Creator and Sustainer of all, not to sing patriotic songs for any nation or country. To take time away from the adoration of God and the proclamation of the Good News to extol any person, thing, or nation is idolatry.
This July 4th, let us gladly enjoy the fireworks, fun, and festivities as we celebrate our nation's birthday. Let's reflect on the price of freedom that has been paid through the sacrifice of men and women to safeguard our freedoms. We should offer prayers of thanksgiving as well as repentance for our national sins and petition for the leaders of this nation and those who are suffering from injustice even in this land of the free and the home of the brave. Above all, may we use the liberty that we have to advance the Gospel of the Kingdom to every nation, tribe, and language group. That is the truth that truly sets free.
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