Here are a few things that I have re-learned and unlearned in the past 18 months:
1. The God who calls, also supplies.
2. Let go of the past, but learn from it.
3. Failures can teach a lot more than successes.
4. Don't expect people to understand your calling.
5. Love the people you are given to serve where they are at, not where you want them to be.
6. Drop the Christianese, learn to speak the Gospel in everyday language.
7. Demonstrate your faith in how you live.
8. Transparent living is very frightening.
9. Transparent living is very liberating.
10. Be prepared to have your heart broken; some people will leave; some will die.
11. Share the Gospel; don't assume you will get another opportunity!
12. Beware of opportunities that look good, but will sidetrack your mission.
13. Cling to the truth, be willing to jettison opinion.
14. Acts 2:42 is still a great way to do church.
15. When God sends a homeless man to minister to you, let him!
16. God will change you in ways you can never imagine!
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