I type these words knowing that they are bound to be
misinterpreted and yet I must write them down.
I am watching both civil discourse and Christian charity being thrown
out the window by those who claim to belong to Christ. I have family and friends on both sides of
the political spectrum, so I know that what I say may be taken as offensive by
some if not all of the people that I love and care for and yet I must share
what is on my heart with you. This is a
blog written with the Christian reader in mind. If you do not share our faith,
I pray that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to the truth claims of the
Gospel of Jesus. I apologize in advance
for my lack of expressing my feelings adequately on this matter.
We are
a nation of idolaters. Our national
motto is, “In God We Trust," when in reality it should be “In God We Trust Only
After We Have Exhausted All Other Options.”
We have abandoned the belief in objective moral truth for Nietzsche’s atheistic
“will to power” theorem. We divide into
factions (usually one of two “parties”) to jockey for who is going to wield the
power. Claiming to represent the “average
Joe” these groups will align themselves with whoever will give them the money
to support their causes and they will in return deliver political favors to their
patrons. The party that claims to stand
for “traditional values” only does so as long as it is politically expedient,
while the party of “inclusion” will exclude all with whom they disagree. So who speaks for God?
Not the
church, for she is divided between the two parties herself. Chasing after the almighty dollar and the
power that comes from having friends in places of influence, the Bride of
Christ is selling her birthright for a bowl of political porridge. Like Esau, we have become consumed with
living in the expediency of the moment, rather than seeing life with an eternal
perspective in view. All one has to do
is look at the popularity of the “prosperity prophets” to see that many of
those who claim to know and follow Christ are more interested in following and
serving Mammon (money). The leaders of
the Religious Right and Left have abandoned the Blessed Hope for the temporal
enticement of civic power. So many
Christians claim to want to see revival and yet we whore ourselves out to the
party that tells us what we want to hear.
Do you think that Romney and company will lead this nation to true
religion? Or do you think that Obama’s social programs will make us more
Christ-like? What needs to take place dear brothers and sisters, is that we need to repent of our idolatrous hearts in dust and ashes
before the true Sovereign of the universe.
We have bought into the worship of the elephant and the donkey in place
of the worship of the Lamb of God, as we wrap ourselves in the Stars and Stripes
while being traitors to our true Homeland.
Nations will rise and fall but the Glory of the Lord endures forever!
We have
a civic duty to be good citizens of the nations in which we reside (Rom.
13). I believe that this means that we
are to be engaged in the process of electing our leaders. What it does not mean is that we are to put
our faith in the parties that are competing for our votes. We need to exercise our freedom to speak
truth to power and to take a stand for mercy and justice, especially for those
who cannot speak for themselves. The
only thing that will truly change any nation is the transforming power of the Gospel
of Christ. On November 6 go and cast
your vote, but do so after you have searched the Scriptures to understand the
mind of God about the issues that truly matter.
And when you pull that lever or mark that ballot do so with a sober and
prayerful attitude. Finally, pray earnestly for whoever
wins the election, for we may not get the leaders we want, but we will probably
get the leaders we deserve.